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文章来源: 发布时间:2011-07-05 【字体:      

传统乳液一般由有机溶剂(油)、水和表面活性剂所形成。由于有机溶剂一般具有挥发性,其使用不可避免地造成了对环境的污染,而且增加了许多实际应用的难题。中国科学院化学研究所胶体、界面与化学热力学实验室韩布兴研究员领导的研究组以超临界CO2替代有机溶剂、以离子液体替代水,形成了一类新型的离子液体/超临界CO2乳液体系。这类新型乳液具有传统乳液无法比拟的优点,如:乳液的形成和破坏可以通过简单的加压和降压进行反复控制;可形成新型的离子液体液滴,由于离子液体结构和性质的多样性,液滴的性质可“调节”;CO2可以通过卸压方便的去除,因此不会造成对产物的污染;该乳液由两种绿色溶剂所组成,是环境友好的。利用这类乳液为介质制备了具有有序介孔的微孔金属有机框架(MOF)纳米球。他们与BSRF合作,利用小角X-射线散射(SAXS)技术获得了这种新型材料的微观结构信息。这一新颖的MOF结构在催化、气体储存与分离等方面有潜在的应用前景。这一成果发表在近期的《德国应用化学》上(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 636-639)。

该工作得到Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.审稿人的高度评价:“This is a very nice piece of work which will be of great interest to those working in MOFs and other porous materials. For MOFs the work is highly novel and opens up new pathways of research.;“This manuscript is very interesting to report a synthesis of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) nanospheres (~ 80 nm) with well ordered mesopores in IL/SC CO2/surfactant emulsion system, which is greatly important and significant.”


Yueju Zhao, Jianling Zhang*, Buxing Han*, Jinliang Song, Jianshen Li, Qian Wang, Metal-organic framework nanospheres with well ordered mesopores synthesized in ionic liquid/CO2/surfactant system, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 636-639.

Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, CAS Key Laboratory of Colloid and Interface and Thermodynamics, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)

*Correspondence: zhangjl@iccas.ac.cn, hanbx@iccas.ac.cn
